Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Saturnalia & The Carnival of Homeschooling
It's almost time for the Winter Solstice, here are some nifty ideas on how to celebrate with your family.
This weeks Carnival of Homeschooling is up.
Greg Laden has some useful info on How to not get caught plagiarizing.
This weeks Carnival of Homeschooling is up.
Greg Laden has some useful info on How to not get caught plagiarizing.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
John McCarthy
John McCarthy, the inventor of the programming language Lisp and a pioneer in “artificial intelligence” technology.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Book Review ~ Trixie & Jinx by Dean Koontz
A delightful children's book. I highly recommend it and love it's message "a friend is more precious than pirate gold".
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
Carnival of Homeschooling & News
The CoH is up. In other news the verdict is in, MISSISSIPPI REJECTED THE PERSONHOOD AMENDMENT!!!!! I want to thank my fellow homeschoolers in Mississippi who helped to get out the word to Vote NO on 26.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Carnival of Homeschooling ~ Rollerskating in a Buffalo Herd Edition
The Rollerskating in a Buffalo Herd Edition of the CoH is up at Dwey's Treehouse.
Monday, October 24, 2011
I Certainly Don't Support Bachmann, I Think She Is Crazy
The title of the article, Evangelical Iowa homeschoolers could be important to Bachmann campaign, gave me hope that finally the media was catching on that not all homschoolers are Christians and that not all homeschoolers support Republican Candidates. Alas it was just another piece touting how homeschoolers support so and so.
No one group can speak for all homeschoolers no more then any group can claim to speak for all public school parents.
I certainly don't support Bachmann, I think she is loony.
No one group can speak for all homeschoolers no more then any group can claim to speak for all public school parents.
I certainly don't support Bachmann, I think she is loony.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Required Reading
I believe that The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood should be required reading. A chilling account of how a religious group takes over America and creates a theocracy, where the government controls everything concerning reproduction. Women are divided into groups and are forced to dress in certain colors to donate what group they are in. Wives wear blue (only first marriages are recognized), Cooks and Household Help (composed of unmarried older women too old for child bearing) wear green. And Handmaids (all second marriages and non-marital liaisons were declared adulterous the women's children were taken from them and they were arrested and forced to become Handmaids) wear red. Econo Wives wear striped dresses of all 3 colors. Handmaids are given to men in positions of power who do not have children and are forced to bear these men's children. (Under the new laws Men are not infertile if a woman doesn't get pregnant she is entirely to blame). Anyone breaking the new harsh laws can be killed and hung on the wall or sent to the colonies where they are forced to clean up toxic waste. And under the new laws reading is forbidden for women.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Josiah Cantrall American Non Thinker
Mr Cantrall wrote Repeal Obamacare - but Keep Socialized Education? for American Thinker, apparently he put little thought into it.
Horace Mann (1796-1859)
Horace Mann, often called the
Father of the Common School, began his career as a lawyer and
legislator. When he was elected to act as Secretary of the newly-created
Massachusetts Board of Education in 1837, he used his position to enact
major educational reform. He spearheaded the Common School Movement,
ensuring that every child could receive a basic education funded by
local taxes. His influence soon spread beyond Massachusetts as more
states took up the idea of universal schooling.
Mann's commitment to the Common
School sprang from his belief that political stability and social
harmony depended on education: a basic level of literacy and the
inculcation of common public ideals.
Apparently Mr. Cantrall is unaware that before Horace Mann's idea of universal schooling took hold much of the population was illiterate. Or perhaps he just doesn't care.
According to Mr. Cantrall
as we all know, "free education" isn't free, but subsidized through tax
levies on all citizens -- even those with no school-age children and
those who have chosen to educate their children privately. Herein lies
the genius of the left: by dictating the funding of government-run
education and health care programs, millions of families are left with
few alternatives outside the government's control. Although the right
to enroll their children in private schools remains, this "right," for
all practical purposes, often cannot be exercised due to income
limitations. The reality is that many middle- and lower-income families
cannot afford to pay taxes towards our public schools while also sending
their own children to schools of their choice. The same holds true for
health insurance policies -- thus, freedom of choice is suddenly
available only to the elite and wealthy.
On the contrary public schools ensure that ALL children will receive an education, not just the children of the elite and wealthy that can afford to educate their children. School taxes are a mere pittance of the taxes you pay in most areas and a well educated community provides benefits to all in the community. Those who wish are still free to send their children to private schools or to homeschool them. And in many states homeschool restrictions are very lax and do not provide any undue hardship for parents wishing to homeschool. Without public schools many children would not receive even a basic education as their families would not have the resources to provide an education for them. To the detriment of not only the children, but the communities in which they live.
Just like public education aims to ensure that every child can read and write The Affordable Care Act seeks to ensure that each American has access to affordable health care.
You can read The Affordable Care Act here.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Crown of Thorns by Stephane Groueff
Biography of Boris III of Bulgaria. Very interesting college level reading.King Boris III, helped save the Bulgarian Jews from Hitler and tried to keep Bulgaria out of WWII as much as possible.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Calling myself a homeschooling mother doesn't make me one By Rose Godfrey/For the Appeal-Democrat
The Chicago Tribune has been calling Lydia Price a homeschooling mother.
Apparently, for the Tribune, restricting the definition of
homeschooling mother to someone who actually educates her children is as
nit picky as expecting me to pass all those pesky Harvard classes
before saying I've earned that Ivy League degree.
Was this really written by a homeschooler?
Homeschooling is Bad Because sounds as if it was written by one of the children of a stereotypical Fundamentalist Homeschooler and I feel for her/him I really do, if they actually exist. But just because this was their experience with being homeschooled doesn't mean it is everyone's. Honestly this hatchet job on homeschooling sounds as if it were made up.
We choose to homeschool our children because we wanted to provide a better academic education for them then was available at the local public schoools and because we wanted them to be free to dress as individuals not forced to look like clones in mandatory public school uniforms. We certainly didn't want to hide anything from them.
I did a kick ass job educating my boys, they are both doing very well in college. That said I did not want some bureaucrat telling me what I had to teach and when I had to teach it. I am sure the bureaucrat would have found some reason my eldest son couldn't start college at 16.
None of the homeschoolers I know sequester themselves. We are out in our communities often doing volunteer work and lending a helping hand. We belonged to a INCLUSIVE homeschool group, PEAK Homeschool Network, when I was actively homeschooling.
Now I have to question WHY a site that sells homeschool curriculum would publish such nonsense. Did they do so in order to attract traffic to their site? I certainly wouldn't buy from them if that is the case.
Because you might have to spend the ten years after being homeschooled
for 18 years recovering and trying to find out all of the things that
were hidden from you. All of the things you were not allowed to know-
about history, science, the world... I'm not kidding- this is MY
experience. Not pushing it off on anyone else.
We choose to homeschool our children because we wanted to provide a better academic education for them then was available at the local public schoools and because we wanted them to be free to dress as individuals not forced to look like clones in mandatory public school uniforms. We certainly didn't want to hide anything from them.
And if you are doing a kick-ass job teaching your kids everything and
MORE then why would you be afraid of someone checking in to make sure
it's all okay. I mean, for the sake of the kids that aren't in a right
situation, other homeschool families should be advocating for it.
I did a kick ass job educating my boys, they are both doing very well in college. That said I did not want some bureaucrat telling me what I had to teach and when I had to teach it. I am sure the bureaucrat would have found some reason my eldest son couldn't start college at 16.
We don't learn how to get along by sequestering ourselves away and
hiding. We don't learn how to be more open-minded. We don't learn to
None of the homeschoolers I know sequester themselves. We are out in our communities often doing volunteer work and lending a helping hand. We belonged to a INCLUSIVE homeschool group, PEAK Homeschool Network, when I was actively homeschooling.
Now I have to question WHY a site that sells homeschool curriculum would publish such nonsense. Did they do so in order to attract traffic to their site? I certainly wouldn't buy from them if that is the case.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Book Review ~ Neighbors by Jan T. Gross
A chilling account of how the Poles of Jedwabne killed their Jewish neighbors during the German occupation. Mainly out of greed, but also due to long held superstitions spread by Catholic Priest that the blood of Christian Children were used in Jewish rituals during Passover.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
NOT a Republican Foot Soldier
I really expected better from Reuters, then this hatchet job portraying stereotypical homeschoolers.
Homeschoolers are a diverse group just like public school parents are. Some of us are even DEMOCRATS or Independents. By no means are we all Republican Foot Soldiers. In fact my husband is running for office as a Democrat.
Another myth is that homeschoolers are all Christians or that we all teach Creationism. Nothing could be further from the truth . There are Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic, Jewish, and Buddhist Homeschoolers just to name a few, and many homeschoolers believe and teach EVOLUTION.
And contrary to how the Reuters article portrays us their are many PRO-CHOICE homeschoolers that are supportive of both boys and girls being given mandatory vaccinations to prevent the spread of HPV, a sexually transmitted disease.
Homeschoolers are a diverse group just like public school parents are. Some of us are even DEMOCRATS or Independents. By no means are we all Republican Foot Soldiers. In fact my husband is running for office as a Democrat.
Another myth is that homeschoolers are all Christians or that we all teach Creationism. Nothing could be further from the truth . There are Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic, Jewish, and Buddhist Homeschoolers just to name a few, and many homeschoolers believe and teach EVOLUTION.
And contrary to how the Reuters article portrays us their are many PRO-CHOICE homeschoolers that are supportive of both boys and girls being given mandatory vaccinations to prevent the spread of HPV, a sexually transmitted disease.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Homeschooling best for children according to the Brazen Careerist
I feel like I have no choice. Because while I was waiting for the
kids to go back to school, I was reading. And, of course, now my
homeschool site makes me a magnet for research about school. And the
evidence is overwhelming that schools are not meeting the educational
needs of children
I challenge you to read these links and tell me you don’t think
homeschool would be better for your kids. And this is why I tell myself
that I have to make homeschooling work.
Read the full article here.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Homeschooling Gets An A+
A new study from Concordia University and Mount Allison
University has found that homeschooling -- as long as it's structured or
follows a curriculum -- can provide kids with an academic edge.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Monday, September 05, 2011
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Friday, September 02, 2011
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Are Students of Protestant Christian Schools/Homeschools Receiving Inferior Educations?
This report seems to indicate they are.
"In many cases, the difference in outcomes between Catholic and Protestant Christian schools is striking," the study states. "Catholic schools provide superior academic outcomes, an experience that translates into graduates' enrollment in more prestigious colleges and universities, more advanced degrees and higher household income.
Additionally, graduates of Protestant Christian schools attend less competitive colleges than both their Catholic and non-religious private school peers."
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Teen Reading Suggestion
The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan - Interesting tale with lots of info about Egyptian mythology. Sadie and Carter Kane watch their father unleash ancient Egyptian Gods. In an attempt to rescue their Father they set off on a world wide adventure, while getting to know each other and learning to perform magic.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What's the problem?
I have long maintained that football and other sports programs have no place in our public schools. Recreational Sports Leagues that all kids in the community would be eligible to play on would be a much better way to fund football and other programs. Leaving our public schools to concentrate on academics.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Lowell Milken Center Discovery Award
Explore unsung heroes in history and win $10,000! Visit the Lowell Milken Center to find out more.
Homeschoolers NOT for Ron Paul
According to Business Wire
I value educational choice and I homeschooled my boys until they started college but I AM NOT FOR RON PAUL, and I deeply resent his campaign trying to make it sound as if all homescoolers are.
The 2012 Ron Paul Presidential Campaign today announced the national
“Homeschoolers for Ron Paul” coalition to energize voters who value
educational choice.
I value educational choice and I homeschooled my boys until they started college but I AM NOT FOR RON PAUL, and I deeply resent his campaign trying to make it sound as if all homescoolers are.
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Carnival of Homeschooling: The Hand-Crafted Education
Home Spun Juggling is hosting this weeks Carnival of Homeschooling: The Hand-Crafted Education
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
The Carnival of Homeschooling Simplified
A Life Supreme is hosting this weeks Carnival of Homeschooling.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Carnival of Homeschooling
The Technical Difficulties Edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling is up.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
what the night knows by Dean Koontz
The Calvino's are a charming modern homeschooling family who band together to defeat evil. Kuddos to Dean Koontz on his portrayal of a modern day homeschooling family, thankfully you won't find any stereotypes here.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
This is just stupid
Monroe County court records show that the parents of a West Amory Elementary second-grader who was unusually disciplined were awarded a $75,000 settlement from the school district.
The settlement was finalized in Monroe County Chancery Court last week.
Johnny and Regina Frederick of Wren had filed a notice of intent to sue and seek $500,000 from Amory School District and school principal Leigh Todd.
Todd allegedly made the boy stick out his tongue March 7 as punishment for sticking out his tongue and telling a teacher to shut up. Todd was fired in April.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Cheating in the Public Schools
Moss Point schools are no longer fully accredited because of testing violations that include cheating. The Clarion-Ledger reports the district is on probation, and if problems are not corrected by early September, the commission's options would then include voting to withdraw its accreditation.
Moss Point Superintendent Kim Staley says a corrective action plan was sent to the commission and the district is awaiting official notice on a final decision.
And I thought those STUPID mandatory public school uniforms were suppose to fix everything (snark).
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Mock Trial Champions are Homeschoolers
From the New York State Bar Association
And from the Philadelphia Homeschool Examiner
The verdict is in. The homeschoolers have the best mock trial team in Burlington County!
A team of home-schooled students from Schenectady County won the statewide mock trial championship this week, defeating the Bronx High School of Science team.
And from the Philadelphia Homeschool Examiner
The verdict is in. The homeschoolers have the best mock trial team in Burlington County!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Carnival of Homeschooling
Homeschool Dad is hosting this weeks CoH, The Film Edition.
My all time favorite movies are The Lord of The Rings trilogy: The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers & Return of The King
My all time favorite movies are The Lord of The Rings trilogy: The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers & Return of The King
Monday, April 25, 2011
500-year-old book surfaces in Utah
I love books, so I find it exciting that someone had a book handed down for generations.
500-year-old book surfaces in Utah - Nation Wire -
500-year-old book surfaces in Utah - Nation Wire -
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Blog Against Theocracy 2011
I just found out about this (April 22-24) Welcome to Blog Against Theocracy 2011. I hope to find the time to do a blog post against theocracy for it. I have two "issues" to choose from an Easter Egg Drop using the Jackson County helicopter. I wonder if any of those stupid tea baggers will protest the gas being used to drop eggs from a helicopter?
And Louisiana School Board Considers Adding Creationism to Science Class.
We should just teach the world is flat and here be dragons and be done with it. Seems like school boards in the South are determined to drag us back to the dark ages.
Count me in the #AgainstTheocracy, maybe we can stop the lunacy.
Easter eggs -- 20,000 of them -- will fall from the sky today at War Memorial Stadium in Pascagoula, courtesy of the city and Oasis Gulf Coast Church.
A helicopter from the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department will hover over the football field as it releases a colorful shower of the plastic eggs, which will be filled with candy and prize coupons
We should just teach the world is flat and here be dragons and be done with it. Seems like school boards in the South are determined to drag us back to the dark ages.
Count me in the #AgainstTheocracy, maybe we can stop the lunacy.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
NYC officials defend decision to cuff 1st grader
Who knew decorating Easter Eggs could land you in cuffs if you attend public school and get upset.
NYC officials defend decision to cuff 1st grader - Nation Wire -
NYC officials defend decision to cuff 1st grader - Nation Wire -
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Not a Homeschooling Issue
When parents divorce courts are often involved in deciding things about the children, sadly this is such a case, NH Court Upholds Order to Send Homeschooled Girl to Public School. But unless you are planning to divorce your spouse this case does not and will not affect your homeschooling freedoms.
H$LDA should butt out
The justices also noted that homeschooling “has become a widely used alternative to more traditional public or private schools as the vehicle for education children” in recent years.
“Courts have neither the mandate nor the expertise to determine from among these options which generally provides the most suitable education,” they said.
Homeschooling advocates praised the New Hampshire Supreme Court for adopting language that does not set a negative precedent for other homeschoolers and for recognizing that homeschooling is a viable education option in lieu of public and private schooling.
H$LDA should butt out
“While this case has religious overtones, it is not about religion. While it involves home schooling, it is not about the merits of home versus public schooling. This case is only about resolving a dispute between two parents, with equal constitutional parenting rights and joint decision-making responsibility, who have been unable to agree how to best educate daughter.”
Friday, April 15, 2011
Public School Mom has run in with the law over immunizations
Why does the media insist on attaching Home School to a story that isn't even about homeschooling or homeschoolers. It should at least read Former Home School Mom as the problem arose when the Mother enrolled her daughter IN PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011
Chancery Court Judge Joe Dale Walker on a homeschool witch hunt
For more information read Natalie's Ramblings, Rants & Remedies: Updated: District 13 judge demands info on all homeschoolers:
For those of you interested these are the qualifications for Chancery Court Judge;
For those of you interested these are the qualifications for Chancery Court Judge;
Qualifications: A practicing attorney for five years, at least 26 years of age, and five years a citizen of the state. MISS. CONST. of 1890, art. VI, §154.
Fee: $100 made payable to the State Board of Election Commissioners, delivered to the Secretary of State's OfficeTuesday, March 29, 2011
Carnival Of Homeschooling - The Homeschool Journey Edition
Carnival Of Homeschooling - The Homeschool Journey Edition @ Consent of the Governed.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
As a child, Elizabeth was given a very impressive education. It had become popular amongst the nobility to educate daughters as well as sons and Elizabeth excelled at her studies. She was taught by famous scholars such as William Grindal and Roger Asham, and from an early age it was clear that she was remarkably gifted. She had an especial flare for languages, and by adulthood, she could reputedly speak five languages fluently.
Elizabeth was crowned Queen on Sunday 15th January 1559. In the months that followed, the new Queen re-established the Protestant Church in England and restored the debased coinage. Perhaps to appease Catholics or to appease those who did not believe a woman could become head of the church, Elizabeth became Supreme Governor of the Church of England, rather than Supreme Head as her father had been. She did not like religious extremism and did not want to persecute any of her people for their religious beliefs. However, the tenacious political nature of the Catholic/Protestant split meant that her government had to take a harsher line towards Catholics than she wanted.
Elizabeth was dedicated to her country in a way few monarchs had been or have been since. Elizabeth had the mind of a political genius and nurtured her country through careful leadership and by choosing capable men to assist her, such as Sir William Cecil and Sir Francis Walsingham. When she ascended the throne in 1558, England was an impoverished country torn apart by religious squabbles. When she died at Richmond Palace on the 24th March 1603, England was one of the most powerful and prosperous countries in the world.
Elizabeth was crowned Queen on Sunday 15th January 1559. In the months that followed, the new Queen re-established the Protestant Church in England and restored the debased coinage. Perhaps to appease Catholics or to appease those who did not believe a woman could become head of the church, Elizabeth became Supreme Governor of the Church of England, rather than Supreme Head as her father had been. She did not like religious extremism and did not want to persecute any of her people for their religious beliefs. However, the tenacious political nature of the Catholic/Protestant split meant that her government had to take a harsher line towards Catholics than she wanted.
Elizabeth was dedicated to her country in a way few monarchs had been or have been since. Elizabeth had the mind of a political genius and nurtured her country through careful leadership and by choosing capable men to assist her, such as Sir William Cecil and Sir Francis Walsingham. When she ascended the throne in 1558, England was an impoverished country torn apart by religious squabbles. When she died at Richmond Palace on the 24th March 1603, England was one of the most powerful and prosperous countries in the world.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Grace O'Malley (Granuaile)
Grace O'Malley (also called Granuaile) was a famous pirate, seafarer, trader and chieftain in Ireland in the 1500's. She was born in 1530 in County Mayo, Ireland and was the daughter of sea captain Owen O'Malley.
Grace took up piracy by taking on Turkish and Spanish pirate ships and even the English fleets. She grew her estate to include a fleet of ships as well as several islands and castles on the west coast of Ireland.
In her later years, Grace developed her reputation as a fearless leader through her efforts in battle along side her followers. Legend has it that Grace gave birth to one of her sons while out to sea. The very next day following the birth of the baby, the ship was attacked by Turkish pirates. Though exhausted from giving birth Grace grabbed a gun, went on deck and proceeded to rally her men against the Turks, forcing their retreat.
Grace took up piracy by taking on Turkish and Spanish pirate ships and even the English fleets. She grew her estate to include a fleet of ships as well as several islands and castles on the west coast of Ireland.
In her later years, Grace developed her reputation as a fearless leader through her efforts in battle along side her followers. Legend has it that Grace gave birth to one of her sons while out to sea. The very next day following the birth of the baby, the ship was attacked by Turkish pirates. Though exhausted from giving birth Grace grabbed a gun, went on deck and proceeded to rally her men against the Turks, forcing their retreat.
Read more about Grace O'Malley here.
Grace took up piracy by taking on Turkish and Spanish pirate ships and even the English fleets. She grew her estate to include a fleet of ships as well as several islands and castles on the west coast of Ireland.
In her later years, Grace developed her reputation as a fearless leader through her efforts in battle along side her followers. Legend has it that Grace gave birth to one of her sons while out to sea. The very next day following the birth of the baby, the ship was attacked by Turkish pirates. Though exhausted from giving birth Grace grabbed a gun, went on deck and proceeded to rally her men against the Turks, forcing their retreat.
Grace took up piracy by taking on Turkish and Spanish pirate ships and even the English fleets. She grew her estate to include a fleet of ships as well as several islands and castles on the west coast of Ireland.
In her later years, Grace developed her reputation as a fearless leader through her efforts in battle along side her followers. Legend has it that Grace gave birth to one of her sons while out to sea. The very next day following the birth of the baby, the ship was attacked by Turkish pirates. Though exhausted from giving birth Grace grabbed a gun, went on deck and proceeded to rally her men against the Turks, forcing their retreat.
Read more about Grace O'Malley here.
What does Alan Ford have against homeschoolers?
Alan Ford's objections to homeschoolers being allowed to play on public school teams is laughable. First there is the whiny "but all public school students don't get to play because of cuts, so it's unfair a homeschooled student might get a spot". And he seems to be laboring under the misapprehension that a homeschooled student who lacked athletic ability would get a spot over an athletically gifted public school student. Get real the Coach will pick the best athlete for the team.
For some reason Ford seems to think homeschoolers will be a discipline problem for the Coach. But this is utter nonsense. The Coach will see the homeschooled student every day at practice. The other team members will also have a chance to see the homeschooled student every day and form that all important "bond" Ford is so worried about. And if the Coach is truly interested in how the homeschooled student is doing away from the public school grounds he can always talk to the student and his/her parents. There is also the fact that homeschooled students are generally better behave then their public school peers.
Ford ask
Why would the public school student have his cell phone on at school? What would stop a public school student on the team from doing the same thing?
Ford brings up grades and attendance but that is such a non-issue, homeschoolers attend school for a certain number of hours each school day, they also do school work. I wonder if Ford realizes that colleges court homeschoolers because they are generally better prepared academically then their public school counterparts.
Fords bogus concerns are nothing more then ignorance on his part about homeschooling. But then as I have maintained athletics should not be part of our public schools. Far to much of our tax money that is allocated for eductaion finds it's way into the public schools athletic department, especially the football programs, instead of purchasing new textbooks for students or paying teachers salaries.
Get athletics out of our public schools and concentrate on educating all the children. Those parents who wish their children to play sports can enroll them in recreational sports.
For some reason Ford seems to think homeschoolers will be a discipline problem for the Coach. But this is utter nonsense. The Coach will see the homeschooled student every day at practice. The other team members will also have a chance to see the homeschooled student every day and form that all important "bond" Ford is so worried about. And if the Coach is truly interested in how the homeschooled student is doing away from the public school grounds he can always talk to the student and his/her parents. There is also the fact that homeschooled students are generally better behave then their public school peers.
Dr. Shyers further discovered that the home-schooled children had consistently fewer behavioral problems. The study indicated that home-schooled children behave better because they tend to imitate their parents while conventionally-schooled children model themselves after their peers. Shyers states, "The results seem to show that a child's social development depends more on adult contact and less on contact with other children as previously thought."8
Ford ask
Homeschooled or not, they’re still teenagers. What’s to stop one of these players from texting friends on the team at the public school and urging them come meet them for a hamburger at a local fastfood places, in defiance of school rules?
Why would the public school student have his cell phone on at school? What would stop a public school student on the team from doing the same thing?
Ford brings up grades and attendance but that is such a non-issue, homeschoolers attend school for a certain number of hours each school day, they also do school work. I wonder if Ford realizes that colleges court homeschoolers because they are generally better prepared academically then their public school counterparts.
This year (2000) Stanford University accepted 26% of the 35 homeschoolers who applied--nearly double its overall acceptance rate. Twenty-three of this fall's 572 freshmen at Wheaton College in Illinois were homeschooled, and their SAT scores average 58 points higher than those of the overall class.
Most colleges take a close look at standardized-test scores when weighing homeschool applications and find that homeschoolers outperform their school-educated peers. This year homeschoolers scored an average of 1,100 on the SAT--a full 81 points above the national average--and 22.8 on the ACT, compared with the national average of 21.
Fords bogus concerns are nothing more then ignorance on his part about homeschooling. But then as I have maintained athletics should not be part of our public schools. Far to much of our tax money that is allocated for eductaion finds it's way into the public schools athletic department, especially the football programs, instead of purchasing new textbooks for students or paying teachers salaries.
Get athletics out of our public schools and concentrate on educating all the children. Those parents who wish their children to play sports can enroll them in recreational sports.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Sallie Eola Reneau
Sallie Eola Reneau was born on August 1, 1836 in Somerville, Tennessee, and had the first womens' public university named after her.
Sallie Eola Reneau was a crusader for state-supported higher education for women in the South and the founder of Reneau Female Academy, which was later named Mississippi College for Women at Columbus, Mississippi. Reneau hall, at this college, is named in her honor. Sallie was a remarkable woman and, when the yellow fever epidemic broke out in West Tennessee, she went and volunteered her services as a nurse. She caught yellow fever while in Germantown, Tennessee. A telegram was sent to her father in Washington, D.C., and he boarded the train to come to her bedside. In Pittsburg, a telegram was waiting for his train to tell him Sallie had died.
On August 10, 2009, university president Dr. Claudia Limbert announced that a new name for the college, Reneau University, would be presented to the state college board and state legislature for approval.
Sallie Eola Reneau was a crusader for state-supported higher education for women in the South and the founder of Reneau Female Academy, which was later named Mississippi College for Women at Columbus, Mississippi. Reneau hall, at this college, is named in her honor. Sallie was a remarkable woman and, when the yellow fever epidemic broke out in West Tennessee, she went and volunteered her services as a nurse. She caught yellow fever while in Germantown, Tennessee. A telegram was sent to her father in Washington, D.C., and he boarded the train to come to her bedside. In Pittsburg, a telegram was waiting for his train to tell him Sallie had died.
On August 10, 2009, university president Dr. Claudia Limbert announced that a new name for the college, Reneau University, would be presented to the state college board and state legislature for approval.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Eudora Welty 1909-2001
Eudora Alice Welty was born in Jackson, Mississippi, on April 13, 1909. Welty attended Mississippi State College for Women from 1925 to 1927, finishing a bachelor of arts degree in 1929 at the University of Wisconsin.
Her first published story, "Death of a Traveling Salesman," appeared in 1936, after which Welty's stories were accepted by top publications such as Atlantic and Southern Review. During her early writing career, Welty's work was often narrowly defined as regionalist or feminist. Still, she was admired by other writers, and her first collection of short stories, A Curtain of Green, left critics eagerly anticipating Welty's future work. Over the next thirty years, Welty had over fifteen books published, including short fiction, novels, and nonfiction.
Welty's work has been recognized with prestigious awards such as a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1942; the O. Henry Award in 1942, 1943, and 1968; the National Institute of Arts and Letters literary grant in 1944 and Gold Medal for fiction in 1972; and a Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for The Optimist's Daughter.
Her first published story, "Death of a Traveling Salesman," appeared in 1936, after which Welty's stories were accepted by top publications such as Atlantic and Southern Review. During her early writing career, Welty's work was often narrowly defined as regionalist or feminist. Still, she was admired by other writers, and her first collection of short stories, A Curtain of Green, left critics eagerly anticipating Welty's future work. Over the next thirty years, Welty had over fifteen books published, including short fiction, novels, and nonfiction.
Welty's work has been recognized with prestigious awards such as a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1942; the O. Henry Award in 1942, 1943, and 1968; the National Institute of Arts and Letters literary grant in 1944 and Gold Medal for fiction in 1972; and a Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for The Optimist's Daughter.
Former surgeon general calls for sex ed in Miss.
Words of Wisdom
Former surgeon general calls for sex ed in Miss. - Health & Fitness -
"I've said forever, if you can't control your reproduction, you can't control your life," she told the crowd.
Ralph Nader calls for ending athletic scholarships
Not only should they end athletic scholarships they should get athletics out of our schools and spend our tax money on educating the children. Surprisingly one person in soundoff agrees with me.
Ralph Nader calls for ending athletic scholarships - Baseball -
The effort needs to go deeper. Remove competitive sports from the high schools. Let the sports fans sponsor private sport clubs. Remove the most costly program from the public schools and allow tax money to pay for education.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Isabella of Castile and Aragon, Isabella the Catholic, Isabel la Catolica
Queen Isabella I ruled Castile and Aragon jointly with her husband, Ferdinand (Ferdinand II of Aragon, Ferdinand V of Castile).
In 1480, Isabella and Ferdinand instituted the Inquisition in Spain, one of many changes to the role of the church instituted by the monarchs. The Inquisition was aimed mostly at Jews and Muslims who had overtly converted to Christianity but were thought to be practicing their faiths secretly -- known respectively as morranos and moriscos -- as well as at heretics who rejected Roman Catholic orthodoxy, including alumbras who practiced a kind of mysticism or spiritualism.
Isabella and Ferdinand proceeded with their plans to unify all of Spain by continuing a long-standing but stalled effort to expel the Moors (Muslims) who held parts of Spain. In 1492, the Muslim Kingdom of Granada fell to Isabella and Ferdinand, thus completing the Reconquista. That same year, all Jews in Spain who refused to convert to Christianity were expelled by royal edict.Also in 1492, Isabella was convinced by Christopher Columbus to sponsor his voyage of discovery. The lasting effects of this were many: by the traditions of the time, when Columbus discovered lands in the New World, they were given to Castile. Isabella took a special interest in the Native Americans of the new lands; when some were brought back to Spain as slaves she insisted they be returned and freed, and her will expressed her wish that the "Indians" be treated with justice and fairness.
Isabella was also a patron of scholars and artists, establishing educational institutions and building a large collection of art works. She learned Latin as an adult, was widely read, and educated not only her sons but her daughters. One of these daughters, Catherine of Aragon, is known in history as the first wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Mary I of England.
In 1480, Isabella and Ferdinand instituted the Inquisition in Spain, one of many changes to the role of the church instituted by the monarchs. The Inquisition was aimed mostly at Jews and Muslims who had overtly converted to Christianity but were thought to be practicing their faiths secretly -- known respectively as morranos and moriscos -- as well as at heretics who rejected Roman Catholic orthodoxy, including alumbras who practiced a kind of mysticism or spiritualism.
Isabella and Ferdinand proceeded with their plans to unify all of Spain by continuing a long-standing but stalled effort to expel the Moors (Muslims) who held parts of Spain. In 1492, the Muslim Kingdom of Granada fell to Isabella and Ferdinand, thus completing the Reconquista. That same year, all Jews in Spain who refused to convert to Christianity were expelled by royal edict.Also in 1492, Isabella was convinced by Christopher Columbus to sponsor his voyage of discovery. The lasting effects of this were many: by the traditions of the time, when Columbus discovered lands in the New World, they were given to Castile. Isabella took a special interest in the Native Americans of the new lands; when some were brought back to Spain as slaves she insisted they be returned and freed, and her will expressed her wish that the "Indians" be treated with justice and fairness.
Isabella was also a patron of scholars and artists, establishing educational institutions and building a large collection of art works. She learned Latin as an adult, was widely read, and educated not only her sons but her daughters. One of these daughters, Catherine of Aragon, is known in history as the first wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Mary I of England.
No Ham at Homeschool Convention
Ham's latest attacks got him uninvited to a Homeschool Convention.
Ham's response
The organization rescinded invitations for Ham to speak at homeschooling conventions next weekend in Cincinnati and in June in Philadelphia. It said in a statement:
"The Board believes that Ken’s public criticism of the convention itself and other speakers at our convention require him to surrender the spiritual privilege of addressing our homeschool audience. -
One of the core values of our convention is that we believe that good people can disagree and still be good people. We believe that Christians do not need to personally question the integrity, the intelligence, or the salvation of other Christians when debating Biblical issues. Ken has obviously felt led to publicly attack our conventions and a number of our speakers. We believe that what Ken has said and done is unChristian and sinful. A number of attendees are demanding explanations from our board and we must respond to them"
Ham's response
Ham shot back that the convention organization has hosted speakers that question literal interpretations of the Bible and write for BioLogos, a Web site that promotes Christian acceptance of scientific conclusions such as evolution. (In the past year, BioLogos writers have repeatedly sparred with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler, who maintains that the Bible trumps the consensus of scientists. And BioLogos’ publicizing of a comment by prominent evangelical biblical scholar Bruce Waltke, showing an openness to evolution, cost Waltke his job as a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Louisa May Alcott 1832-1888
Louisa May Alcott, was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832. In 1840 the family moved to Concord where prominent American author and close friend of the Alcott's, Ralph Waldo Emerson, helped the family to set up residence. Louisa enjoyed the county atmosphere of Concord and found her time divided between acting out plays with her sisters which she had written, and nature walks with Henry David Thoreau. In 1843 the Alcott family took part in an experimental communal village known as the Fruitlands.
In 1852 Louisa's first poem, "Sunlight" was published in Peterson's magazine under the pseudonym, Flora Fairfield. Although modest payment was received, Louisa was beginning a career that would bring her great fame and end her financial worries.
Three years later, in 1855, her first book, Flower Fables was published.
She headed for Washington, DC. in 1862 to serve as a Civil War Nurse. Her stay in Washington prompted Louisa to write Hospital Sketches which was published in 1863 followed by Moods in 1864. At this point Louisa's publisher, Thomas Niles, told her that he wanted "a girls story" from her. Having spent her life with three of the most interesting girls, Louisa wrote furiously for two and a half months and produced Little Women based on her own experiences growing up as a young women with three other sisters. The novel, published September 30, 1868, was an instant success and sold more than 2,000 copies immediately.
In 1852 Louisa's first poem, "Sunlight" was published in Peterson's magazine under the pseudonym, Flora Fairfield. Although modest payment was received, Louisa was beginning a career that would bring her great fame and end her financial worries.
Three years later, in 1855, her first book, Flower Fables was published.
She headed for Washington, DC. in 1862 to serve as a Civil War Nurse. Her stay in Washington prompted Louisa to write Hospital Sketches which was published in 1863 followed by Moods in 1864. At this point Louisa's publisher, Thomas Niles, told her that he wanted "a girls story" from her. Having spent her life with three of the most interesting girls, Louisa wrote furiously for two and a half months and produced Little Women based on her own experiences growing up as a young women with three other sisters. The novel, published September 30, 1868, was an instant success and sold more than 2,000 copies immediately.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Anne Sullivan (1866-1936)
Anne Sullivan Macy was an American educator, best known for her work as HelenKeller's teacher. Born in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, on April 14, 1866, she was named Joanna Mansfield Sullivan, but was always called Anne or Annie.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Christa McAuliffe
Christa McAuliffe (first teacher in space) was a civilian mission specialist aboard the Challenger Space Shuttle, and died with the rest of the seven member crew when Challenger exploded 73 seconds after launch on January 28, 1986.
Mississippi Literature
Ford County by John Grisham - A collection of short stories. Would be great for an American or Mississippi Literature Class. Truthful portrayals of small town Mississippi life.
Maloney contines his crusade against homeschoolers
Maybe someone should inform Maloney that "those homeschool people" he snidely refers to can vote.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Mary Pickford (1893-1979)
Mary Pickford was one of the original 36 founders of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.[1] Known as "America's Sweetheart," "Little Mary" and "The girl with the curls," she was one of the Canadian pioneers in early Hollywood and a significant figure in the development of film acting.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Georgia O'Keeffe (1887–1986)
Georgia O’Keeffe and her paintings remain an icon of American modernism to this day.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sandra Day O'Connor (1930-)
Sandra Day O'Connor became the first woman appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1981.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Queen Lili'uokalani (1838–1917) Hawai`i's last ruling monarch
By age 15, Lili`u was already an accomplished musician and composer who could write music and is reported to be the only native Hawaiian composer who could.
Miss. homeschoolers can face test before transfer - Regional Wire -
I don't have a problem with homeschoolers being tested before entering public school but I do wonder if they test ABOVE grade level if they will be promoted to the grade they test at are forced to stay in the grade for their age group.
Miss. homeschoolers can face test before transfer - Regional Wire -
Miss. homeschoolers can face test before transfer - Regional Wire -
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Lucille Désirée Ball ( 1911 – 1989 )
In 1971 Lucille Désirée Ball became the first woman to receive the International Radio and Television Society's Gold Medal. In addition there were four Emmys, induction into the Television Hall of Fame and recognition for her life's work from the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Helen Keller (1880–1968)
In 1909 Helen Keller joined the Socialist party in Massachusetts. She had read Marx and Engels in German braille, and welcomed the Revolution in Russia in 1917. Keller was an activist for racial and sexual equality, and as an avowed socialist she had such left-leaning opinions that the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover kept a file on her. In 1964 she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Martha Graham (1894-1991)
Martha Graham died in 1991, after a career that lasted 75 years and produced some of the greatest masterpieces of the American modern dance. The Martha Graham Dance Company is still a vital force and can be seen in residence in New York City and on tour.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Katharine Graham (1917-2001)
For years Katharine Graham was the only female head of a Fortune 500 corporation.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Jane Goodall ( b.1934 )
No other primatologist or ethologist has made the cover of National Geographic more than Jane Goodall.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Mary Katherine Goddard (1738- 1816)
Mary Katherine Goddard, printer, newspaper publisher, and postmaster, was born in Connecticut on June 16, 1738. She lived in Baltimore, Maryland from 1774 until her death at age seventy-eight, in 1816.
Mary Katherine proved to be a steady, impersonal newspaper editor and during the Revolution she was usually Baltimore’s only printer. From her press, in January 1777, came the first printed copy of the Declaration of Independence to include the names of the signers. Mary Katherine Goddard was also responsible for issuing several Almanacs, while in Baltimore, which now hold a place in the Maryland Historical Society.
In 1775, Mary Katherine became postmaster of Baltimore, probably the first woman so appointed in the colonies, and certainly the only one to hold so important a post after the Declaration of Independence.
Mary Katherine proved to be a steady, impersonal newspaper editor and during the Revolution she was usually Baltimore’s only printer. From her press, in January 1777, came the first printed copy of the Declaration of Independence to include the names of the signers. Mary Katherine Goddard was also responsible for issuing several Almanacs, while in Baltimore, which now hold a place in the Maryland Historical Society.
In 1775, Mary Katherine became postmaster of Baltimore, probably the first woman so appointed in the colonies, and certainly the only one to hold so important a post after the Declaration of Independence.
Moronic Bob Cook Doesn't Know Squat
I guess it was to much to ask that Bob Cook get his facts straight regarding homeschoolers.
Frankly I don't think athletic programs belong in the public schools in the first place. Just think if public schools didn't have to fund athletic programs (especially football) they could spend their money on things like textbooks and teacher's salaries and provide little Johnny with a top notch education, instead of giving a small minority of public school students a chance to play football.
But I digress.................According to Cook
First off the Home $chool Legal Defense Association does NOT represent all homeschoolers. Homeschooling is NOT overwhelming evangelical Christian (80% of homeschoolers, homeschool for non-religious reasons), and Liberal Homeschoolers DO NOT call it unschooling to separate themselves from the conservative rabble. Unschooling is a homeschooling method employed by both Liberal and Conservative Christian Homeschoolers.
Moron, plenty of Catholics homeschool.
And one can only wonder why public school parents are so opposed to homeschoolers being allowed to play on public school football teams. Are they afraid their precious little public school students can't compete with athletically gifted homeschooled and private schooled students and will wind up sitting on the bench? Do they secretly believe that private school and homeschool students are receiving a superior education but justify sending their children to public schools by telling themselves they wouldn't be able to play football otherwise?
Apparently writing one article bashing homeschoolers wasn't enough for Cook, he followed up with this.
What is it with this guy? All homeschoolers are not evangelical Christians, all Tim Tebow fans aren't either. Next time Cook takes it into his empty little head to write about homeschoolers maybe he should try doing some research instead of sticking with the outdated stereotypes he seems hung up on.
Frankly I don't think athletic programs belong in the public schools in the first place. Just think if public schools didn't have to fund athletic programs (especially football) they could spend their money on things like textbooks and teacher's salaries and provide little Johnny with a top notch education, instead of giving a small minority of public school students a chance to play football.
But I digress.................According to Cook
The Home School Legal Defense Association itself shows how homeschooling organizations — still overwhelming evangelical Christian, even as homeschooling has spread beyond its population (insufferable liberals instead call it “unschooling” to separate themselves from the conservative rabble) — try to play both sides of the high school football field chain-link fence.
First off the Home $chool Legal Defense Association does NOT represent all homeschoolers. Homeschooling is NOT overwhelming evangelical Christian (80% of homeschoolers, homeschool for non-religious reasons), and Liberal Homeschoolers DO NOT call it unschooling to separate themselves from the conservative rabble. Unschooling is a homeschooling method employed by both Liberal and Conservative Christian Homeschoolers.
Yes — only the contact that homeschool families choose to have, the kind that makes up for what homeschoolers lack, without exposing them too much to bad things like cooties, street gangs, and Catholics.
Moron, plenty of Catholics homeschool.
And one can only wonder why public school parents are so opposed to homeschoolers being allowed to play on public school football teams. Are they afraid their precious little public school students can't compete with athletically gifted homeschooled and private schooled students and will wind up sitting on the bench? Do they secretly believe that private school and homeschool students are receiving a superior education but justify sending their children to public schools by telling themselves they wouldn't be able to play football otherwise?
Apparently writing one article bashing homeschoolers wasn't enough for Cook, he followed up with this.
You might not know this if you’re not a football fan or an evangelical Christian, but Tim Tebow was a home-schooled student who playing actual high school football in Florida, then won the Heisman Trophy and two national championships at the University of Florida, then became a first-round pick of the Denver Broncos. You’ll know they are evangelical Christians not just by their love, but by their “Tebow 15″ Broncos jerseys.
What is it with this guy? All homeschoolers are not evangelical Christians, all Tim Tebow fans aren't either. Next time Cook takes it into his empty little head to write about homeschoolers maybe he should try doing some research instead of sticking with the outdated stereotypes he seems hung up on.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Karola Ruth Siegel (Dr Ruth Westheimer)
Karola Ruth Siegel was born in Germany on June 4, 1928. When Karola was ten years old, shortly after the infamous Kristallnacht, her father was taken to a detention camp. Her mother and grandmother then sent the little girl to Switzerland, where she lived in an orphanage for six years. After the war, unable to find any other members of her family, sixteen-year-old Karola went to Palestine and started using Ruth as her first name. Eventually she emigrated to the United States.
In 1983, Westheimer published her first book, Dr. Ruth’s Guide to Good Sex. Since then, she has written twenty-six others, including her autobiographical works All in a Lifetime (1987) and Musically Speaking: A Life through Song (2003).
In May of 2000 Westheimer received an honorary doctorate from Hebrew Union College-Institute of Religion for her work in human sexuality and her commitment to the Jewish people, Israel and religion. In 2001 she received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and the Leo Baeck Medal, and in 2004, she received the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, from Trinity College. She is an adjunct professor at New York University and an Associate Fellow of Calhoun College at Yale University. Ruth Westheimer is the president of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association (YMHA) of Washington Heights.
In 1983, Westheimer published her first book, Dr. Ruth’s Guide to Good Sex. Since then, she has written twenty-six others, including her autobiographical works All in a Lifetime (1987) and Musically Speaking: A Life through Song (2003).
In May of 2000 Westheimer received an honorary doctorate from Hebrew Union College-Institute of Religion for her work in human sexuality and her commitment to the Jewish people, Israel and religion. In 2001 she received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and the Leo Baeck Medal, and in 2004, she received the degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, from Trinity College. She is an adjunct professor at New York University and an Associate Fellow of Calhoun College at Yale University. Ruth Westheimer is the president of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association (YMHA) of Washington Heights.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Amelia Earhart (1897–1937)
Amelia Earhart's name became a household word in 1932 when she became the first woman, and second person, to fly solo across the Atlantic, on the fifth anniversary of Charles Lindbergh's feat, flying a Lockheed Vega from Harbor Grace, Newfoundland to Londonderry, Ireland. That year, she received the Distinguished Flying Cross from the Congress, the Cross of Knight of the Legion of Honor from the French Government, and the Gold Medal of the National Geographic Society from President Hoover.
In January 1935 Earhart became the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean from Honolulu to Oakland, California. Later that year she soloed from Los Angeles to Mexico City and back to Newark, N.J.
In January 1935 Earhart became the first person to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean from Honolulu to Oakland, California. Later that year she soloed from Los Angeles to Mexico City and back to Newark, N.J.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
While Emily Dickinson was extremely prolific as a poet and regularly enclosed poems in letters to friends, she was not publicly recognized during her lifetime. The first volume of her work was published posthumously in 1890 and the last in 1955. She died in Amherst in 1886.
Two Butterflies went out at Noon— (533) by Emily Dickinson Two Butterflies went out at Noon— And waltzed above a Farm— Then stepped straight through the Firmament And rested on a Beam— And then—together bore away Upon a shining Sea— Though never yet, in any Port— Their coming mentioned—be— If spoken by the distant Bird— If met in Ether Sea By Frigate, or by Merchantman— No notice—was—to me— |
Monday, March 07, 2011
Madie Collins ( b.1950s)
Madie Collins ( b.1950s)
Founder of P.A.W. Animal Sanctuary
In 2003, Madi gave up her corporate job in New York to return to her native community of Caye Caulker, Belize in 2003. Beginning with caring for one, sickly, abandoned cat, Ms. Collins became determined to help all the island’s cats. Facing mountains of obstacles, lack of funds, and opposition from people, she was able to accomplish her dream of establishing a cat sanctuary.
Founder of P.A.W. Animal Sanctuary
In 2003, Madi gave up her corporate job in New York to return to her native community of Caye Caulker, Belize in 2003. Beginning with caring for one, sickly, abandoned cat, Ms. Collins became determined to help all the island’s cats. Facing mountains of obstacles, lack of funds, and opposition from people, she was able to accomplish her dream of establishing a cat sanctuary.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Rachel Carson (1907–1964)
Rachel Carson, writer, scientist, and ecologist, grew up simply in the rural river town of Springdale, Pennsylvania.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910)
Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman in America ever to attend medical school.
In 1868 Elizabeth and her sister Emily Blackwell founded Women's Medical College of the New York Infirmary, to provide medical training for women seeking to become physicians.
In 1869, Elizabeth Blackwell returned to London. She established and ran a large practice, and in 1875 helped to found the London School of Medicine for Women, where she served as chair of gynecology. Elizabeth Blackwell also spent a good deal of time writing and lecturing on disease prevention and hygiene. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman ever listed in the British Medical Register, and was involved in founding the National Health Society. Scorned and ridiculed in the United States, Blackwell was appreciated in England. Elizabeth Blackwell died in Hastings, England, on May 31, 1910.
In 1868 Elizabeth and her sister Emily Blackwell founded Women's Medical College of the New York Infirmary, to provide medical training for women seeking to become physicians.
In 1869, Elizabeth Blackwell returned to London. She established and ran a large practice, and in 1875 helped to found the London School of Medicine for Women, where she served as chair of gynecology. Elizabeth Blackwell also spent a good deal of time writing and lecturing on disease prevention and hygiene. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman ever listed in the British Medical Register, and was involved in founding the National Health Society. Scorned and ridiculed in the United States, Blackwell was appreciated in England. Elizabeth Blackwell died in Hastings, England, on May 31, 1910.
Friday, March 04, 2011
Clara Barton (1821- 1912)
Clara Barton was born on December 25, 1821 in Oxford, Mass., the youngest of 5 children in a middle-class family, Barton was educated at home, and at 15 started teaching school. Her most notable antebellum achievement was the establishment of a free public school in Bordentown, N.J.
She is remembered as the founder of the American Red Cross.
She is remembered as the founder of the American Red Cross.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Virginia Apgar (1909-1974)
Virginia Apgar, inventor of the APGAR Score for newborn infants, was born in Westfield, New Jersey, on June 7, 1909. Having witnessed her brothers' chronic and deadly childhood illnesses, Apgar chose a career in medicine.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Jane Addams (1860–1935)
(Laura) Jane Addams (September 6, 1860-May 21, 1935) won worldwide recognition in the first third of the twentieth century as a pioneer social worker in America, as a feminist, and as an internationalist. On December 10, 1931, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to her, although she was to sick to attend the ceremony is Oslo.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Abigail Adams (1744-1818)
Wife of the second President of the United States, Abigail Adams is an example of one kind of life lived by women in colonial, Revolutionary and early post-Revolutionary America. While she's perhaps best known simply as an early First Lady (before the term was used) and mother of another President, and perhaps known for the stance she took for women's rights in letters to her husband, Abigail Adams should also be known as a competent farm manager and financial manager.
Read more here.
Read more here.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Friday, February 04, 2011
Oakland 2nd Graders Reportedly Engage In Sex Acts While Teacher Watches
When I first heard about this I thought the person was making it up. I really can't fathom this happening even in a public school. My thoughts are with the children and their families and I hope the teacher gets put away for a long, long time.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Farris opposed to a free society
Apparently Farris is opposed to a society where everyone gets along.
It's ironic that he is complaining about being persecuted, when by his own words he wants to be free to persecuted those whose beliefs differ from his.
I fear for our right to Freedom of Religion if Farris and his ilk ever gain control of our government.
Farris notes that this notion that state educational dictates trump those of faith and family comes directly from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which mandates (Article 29) that their educational experience prepare children “for responsible life in a free society, in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes, and friendship among all peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin….”
It's ironic that he is complaining about being persecuted, when by his own words he wants to be free to persecuted those whose beliefs differ from his.
And what are those values? Farris lists just a handful of the most “dangerous” to an evolving society: the beliefs that “homosexuality is a sin,” that men “should be the leaders of their families,” that “Jesus is the only way to God,” and that “all other religions are false.”
I fear for our right to Freedom of Religion if Farris and his ilk ever gain control of our government.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Are you looking for a swing set? CSN Stores has lots of swing sets to choose from @ their Swingsets and Store. I decided to check out their women's bikes while I was there, I particularly like this one.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Support for Breast Cancer Gets Youth Suspended
When Amy Swetman found out her 25-year-old sister had breast cancer, she and her family wanted to do something to show their support.
Most of the family lives in Colorado, including Swetman’s sister Lindsey, but they all decided to dye their hair pink to raise awareness for the disease.
Pink hair gets youth suspended from school - Featured Story -
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Freemasons by Jasper Ridley
A history of the Freemasons is very interesting and full of historical information. I highly recommend anyone who is interested in history read this book.
Notes - Things I found interesting
They began as a Trade Union for masons especially those who did the ornamental carvings in freestone. (Middle Ages, from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries).
The book discusses the founding of the Grand Lodge, how the Freemasons were persecuted by the Catholic Inquisition and the few women who were allowed to become Freemasons. And the mystery of d'Eon a man who was accused of being a woman and refused to submit to a medical exam to prove otherwise thus making a laughingstock of the Freemason lodge he belonged too.
The Presbyterians in Massachusetts persecuted Quakers and disapproved of the religious tolerance promoted by the Freemasons.
In America Benjamin Franklin and George Washington are two of the most famous Freemasons. While Franklin appreciated the philosophical and intellectual leanings of the Freemasons Washington saw it as a social club. During the Revolutionary War King Louis XVI of France sent Freemason Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette to help the Americans. Joseph Brant was the first Native American to become a Freemason.
Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were both Freemasons. Mozart wrote eight compositions about Freemasonry.
Casanova is remembered today for his womanizing but the fathers and mothers of Venice who complained to the authorities about his conduct were worried, not that he would seduce their daughters, but that he would persuade their sons to become atheists and Freemasons. While there were Freemasons on both sides of the French Revolution their Grand Master of French Grand Orient Philippe, Duke of Chartres, who at the death of his father became the Duke of Orleans, renounced his title and took the name Philippe Egalite and voted to convict and execute Louis XVI.
During the French Revolution there were Freemasons on both sides. In France, Thomas Paine was imprisoned in the Luxembourg prison and sentenced to death. In England the Prince of Wales and Moira assured Pitt that the Freemasons were loyal , and said that no one could suspect that a society, which included members of the royal family, was seditious.
Napoleon wasn't a Freemason but he permitted and encouraged his closet relatives, military commanders, and political advisers to join. An Empress Josephine lodge was formed in Strasbourg and in Milan. Josephine was the Grand Mistress of the lodge. Wellington joined the Freemasons, but was embarrassed about it and requested that a Freemason lodge NOT be named after him.
The Count of Artois joined the Freemasons but when he became Charles X, he pursued a more reactionary policy then Louis XVIII.
The most famous of all the heroes of Polish independence, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, was not a Freemason, though he was a personal friend of La Fayettte. (Kosciuszko, Mississippi is named after him; also he is from Belarus not Poland).
Robert Owen did not become a Freemason even though many members of the aristocracy who were Freemasons sympathized with his views and regretted that they couldn't help the oppressed working man. Richard Carlile was against the Freemasons because he believed Secret Societies were sinister things. He was prosecuted by the British Government for publishing and selling atheist literature.
William Morgan has the distinction of being the only person murdered by the Freemasons. But as Ridley points out Freemasonry wasn't to blame for his death. Hoodlums behave like hoodlums even if they join the Freemasons. Morgan was a victim of the people he associated with and the morals of the place he lived. Public indignation against the Freemasons over the Morgan affair was used to discredit Andrew Jackson, who was a Freemason, during the Presidential election in 1824. The anti-masonic movement became an important political force in the states of Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania and New York, but was not strong enough to defeat Jackson in the election of 1828. While anti-masonry failed in terms of politics it did great harm to the Freemasons in the United States for twenty years.
John Brown was a Freemason, although after the Morgan affair he left the Freemason and joined an anti-masonic movement before devoting himself to the struggle against slavery. Freemasonry was not and issue in the Civil War, there were Freemasons on both sides of the conflict. Lincoln was not a Freemason but Andrew Johnson was.
Sam Houston, Stephen F. Austin, Mirabeau Bonaparte Lamar, Anson Jones and William B. Travis were all Freemasons. Davy Crockett was not. Their opponent Santa Anna was a Freemason.
The hysterical element was introduced into anti-masonry by Gabriel Jogand-Pages who wrote under the pseudonym Leo Taxil. Taxil was a French Freemason. He began writing books attacking the Pope and was expelled from the Freemasons. After six years of writing for the Anti-Clerical League he announced that he had repented and proceeded to write a series of books attacking Freemasonary. Taxil's success with the Memoirs of an Ex-Pallandist by Miss Diana Vaughan resulted in a great anti-masonic congress. Eventually Taxil revealed he made the whole thing up.
In the twentieth century anti-Semitism began to be directed at all Jews, no matter what religion they professed and the Freemasons were accused of being the Jews accomplices and pawns in the Jewish campaign against civilization.
Notes - Things I found interesting
They began as a Trade Union for masons especially those who did the ornamental carvings in freestone. (Middle Ages, from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries).
Between about 1550 and 1700, the Freemasons changed. They ceased to be an illegal trade union of working masons who accepted all the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and became on organization of intellectual gentlemen who favored religious toleration and friendship between men of different religions, and thought that a simple belief in God (Deism) should replace controversial theological doctrines.
The book discusses the founding of the Grand Lodge, how the Freemasons were persecuted by the Catholic Inquisition and the few women who were allowed to become Freemasons. And the mystery of d'Eon a man who was accused of being a woman and refused to submit to a medical exam to prove otherwise thus making a laughingstock of the Freemason lodge he belonged too.
The Presbyterians in Massachusetts persecuted Quakers and disapproved of the religious tolerance promoted by the Freemasons.
In America Benjamin Franklin and George Washington are two of the most famous Freemasons. While Franklin appreciated the philosophical and intellectual leanings of the Freemasons Washington saw it as a social club. During the Revolutionary War King Louis XVI of France sent Freemason Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette to help the Americans. Joseph Brant was the first Native American to become a Freemason.
Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were both Freemasons. Mozart wrote eight compositions about Freemasonry.
Casanova is remembered today for his womanizing but the fathers and mothers of Venice who complained to the authorities about his conduct were worried, not that he would seduce their daughters, but that he would persuade their sons to become atheists and Freemasons. While there were Freemasons on both sides of the French Revolution their Grand Master of French Grand Orient Philippe, Duke of Chartres, who at the death of his father became the Duke of Orleans, renounced his title and took the name Philippe Egalite and voted to convict and execute Louis XVI.
During the French Revolution there were Freemasons on both sides. In France, Thomas Paine was imprisoned in the Luxembourg prison and sentenced to death. In England the Prince of Wales and Moira assured Pitt that the Freemasons were loyal , and said that no one could suspect that a society, which included members of the royal family, was seditious.
Napoleon wasn't a Freemason but he permitted and encouraged his closet relatives, military commanders, and political advisers to join. An Empress Josephine lodge was formed in Strasbourg and in Milan. Josephine was the Grand Mistress of the lodge. Wellington joined the Freemasons, but was embarrassed about it and requested that a Freemason lodge NOT be named after him.
The Count of Artois joined the Freemasons but when he became Charles X, he pursued a more reactionary policy then Louis XVIII.
The most famous of all the heroes of Polish independence, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, was not a Freemason, though he was a personal friend of La Fayettte. (Kosciuszko, Mississippi is named after him; also he is from Belarus not Poland).
Robert Owen did not become a Freemason even though many members of the aristocracy who were Freemasons sympathized with his views and regretted that they couldn't help the oppressed working man. Richard Carlile was against the Freemasons because he believed Secret Societies were sinister things. He was prosecuted by the British Government for publishing and selling atheist literature.
William Morgan has the distinction of being the only person murdered by the Freemasons. But as Ridley points out Freemasonry wasn't to blame for his death. Hoodlums behave like hoodlums even if they join the Freemasons. Morgan was a victim of the people he associated with and the morals of the place he lived. Public indignation against the Freemasons over the Morgan affair was used to discredit Andrew Jackson, who was a Freemason, during the Presidential election in 1824. The anti-masonic movement became an important political force in the states of Rhode Island, Vermont, Pennsylvania and New York, but was not strong enough to defeat Jackson in the election of 1828. While anti-masonry failed in terms of politics it did great harm to the Freemasons in the United States for twenty years.
John Brown was a Freemason, although after the Morgan affair he left the Freemason and joined an anti-masonic movement before devoting himself to the struggle against slavery. Freemasonry was not and issue in the Civil War, there were Freemasons on both sides of the conflict. Lincoln was not a Freemason but Andrew Johnson was.
Sam Houston, Stephen F. Austin, Mirabeau Bonaparte Lamar, Anson Jones and William B. Travis were all Freemasons. Davy Crockett was not. Their opponent Santa Anna was a Freemason.
The hysterical element was introduced into anti-masonry by Gabriel Jogand-Pages who wrote under the pseudonym Leo Taxil. Taxil was a French Freemason. He began writing books attacking the Pope and was expelled from the Freemasons. After six years of writing for the Anti-Clerical League he announced that he had repented and proceeded to write a series of books attacking Freemasonary. Taxil's success with the Memoirs of an Ex-Pallandist by Miss Diana Vaughan resulted in a great anti-masonic congress. Eventually Taxil revealed he made the whole thing up.
In the twentieth century anti-Semitism began to be directed at all Jews, no matter what religion they professed and the Freemasons were accused of being the Jews accomplices and pawns in the Jewish campaign against civilization.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Doodle 4 Google Contest ~ Homeschoolers Welcome
Great contest that homeschoolers are welcome to enter Doodle 4 Google.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Carnival of Homeschooling ~ Alasandra's Garden
Gardening and homeschooling have a lot in common. Most gardeners research what grows well in their area, have a plan for their garden, purchase plants, then water, fertilize and prune their plants as needed. Flower beds are weeded as needed.
Homeschoolers often research homeschooling, homeschooling methods and learning styles before embarking on their homeschooling journey. Plans are made for the school year, books and supplies are purchased, lessons are taught, school work is assigned and reviewed (graded) and plans revised as needed.

What's in a name? Well a lot of people consider Goldenrod (aka Solidago) to be a weed, I consider it to be a beautiful wildflower, and count myself lucky to have it growing in my yard. The great thing about wildflowers is they require little care on my part. Here is some Goldenrod mixed in with Statice (aka Sea Lavender and Marsh Rosemary). Statice symbolizes remembrance. C h r y s a l i s ღ presents Bible Names and Why They Matter and 3 Miracle Parenting Tools .
Rational Jenn presents Peopleguy Tours posted at Rational Jenn.
Cherish presents My beef with public education as well as Dial it in! posted at FCIWYPSC.
Columbines are found in many parts of North America in different colors and shapes. Look for them beside rivers, in the woods, in the rough terrain of the Rocky Mountains and in many home gardens. They are extremely easy to grow and reproduce by scattering their own seeds. Amy @ Hope Is the Word presents Read Aloud Thursday?Snow! posted at Hope Is the Word.
Bottlebrush is native to Australia mostly growing in moist soil in open or woodland sites. Every country has something to offer, Successful Homeschooling describes methods traditional Chinese mothers use to create math whizzes and music prodigies in her post What Homeschoolers Can Learn from Chinese Mothers.
Cristina presents Home Spun comic strip #565 posted at Home Spun Juggling.
The Buttercup is a terrific plant it reseeds itself every year and blooms all season.
Jessica presents Labels posted at Teachable Moments.
Many of you have snow where you live. We are having colder then average temperatures here in South Mississippi. So far the garden has survived but I will have some major pruning and weeding to do once the weather is warm enough. Sweet Diva offers her thoughts on Homeschooling While Fighting the Desire to Hibernate....
Chris McGinn presents My new homeschooling friend--Google eBooks posted at Mothers of Boys.
And Speaking of books if you are interested in gardening or flowers I recommend these books:
I have a purple and white Devil's Trumpet that I grew from seeds. The Angel Trumpets haven't produced seeds so far, but I have managed to root them from cuttings. I have both pink and yellow and hope to purchase a white one this year.
ChristineMM presents A Story About 1:1 Homeschool Teaching posted at The Thinking Mother.
The Mexican Petunia's die back in the winter, but so far they have returned every year. I have the purple and am considering purchasing some pink this year.
Pamela presents Teasing posted at Blah, Blah, Blog.
I started the Zinnias from seeds. They were easy to cultivate. I'll probably get some more seeds in a different color this year. I am hoping the pink reseeded themselves.
Cindy presents Gifted Kids and Standardized Testing posted at love2learn2day.
The foxgloves reseeded themselves last year. I have my fingers crossed they do so again this year.
Katherine presents playing school? posted at No Fighting, No Biting!.
My Stokes Aster pretty much thrives all year, if we have a really hard frost it will die back but as soon as the temperatures warm up it will start to come out again. Produces lovely blooms from mid spring into the summer for me.
No snow here in South Mississippi but at Delightful Learning you can read all about Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening.
Laura presents Labelling Our Children posted at Practical Homeschooling.
This is rather bizarre, my Carolina Yellow Jasmine is blooming in January. We are having really strange weather here, colder then average temperatures, less rain then usual and the plants are behaving oddly.
Bore Me to Tears points out that Scientists know more science.
Rebecca Zook presents Need to remember something important? Breaking news! posted at Triangle Suitcase - Rebecca Zook's Blog About Learning.
Heather Laurie presents Teaching Silence posted at Special Needs Homeschooling.
Kelly Elmore presents My Worries and Balloon Animals posted at Reepicheep's Coracle.
Annual Marigolds can be used anywhere to deter Mexican bean beetles, squash bugs, tomato hornworms, and whiteflies. They are also known to repel harmful root knot nematodes (soil dwelling microscopic white worms) that attack tomatoes, potatoes, roses, and strawberries. The root of the Marigold produces a chemical that kills nematodes as they enter the soil. If a whole area is infested, at the end of the season, turn the Marigolds under so the roots will decay in the soil. You can safely plant there again the following spring.
Deb @ Not Inadequate tells why she decided to teach Latin to her kids in the post Ut Docui necne ut Docui?
Why Homeschool presents a Great arguement for Unschooling: Ted Talk on Child-driven education.
Majellamom (Lori) presents A Blast from the Past...with Blue posted at Waiting for Charlie....
Check out the The Lemonade Geography Tour @ Farm School.
Nak presents A Living Book for St. Valentine's Day posted at Sage Parnassus.
Barbara Frank Online presents Black Home Educators Embrace Their Cultural Heritage. This post seems particular timely as yesterday we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Day (Federal Holiday) as well as Robert E. Lee Day (State Holiday) in South Mississippi. By homeschooling I was able to embrace our Confederate Heritage which is pretty much ignored in the public schools. History buffs might be interested in reading Robert E. Lee's biography online as well as A Taste of Freedom by Tommie Thompson about the forgotten slave soldiers who fought in the Civil War for the South.
History is Elementary offers a history lesson on the Spanish American War in her post Be a Hero: Sink a U.S. Ship.
Shannon @ Mom Improvement post on Teaching Writing.
This trooper has been blooming all winter, it is actually a type of pansy. It really seems to enjoy the cold weather.
Denise presents Babymath: Story Problem Challenge III posted at Let's Play Math!.
Susan Ryan presents Daytime Curfews Persist in Illinois posted at Corn and Oil.
Mama Squirrel presents Once Upon a Company (review) posted at Dewey's Treehouse.
My neighbor gave me the seeds to this wonderful plant. And I completely agree with this statement by Lady Bird Johnson, "Where flowers bloom, so does hope".
Jimmie presents Book Report Notebooking Page posted at The Notebooking Fairy.
John Laugherton presents Top 50 Social Sites for Educators and Academics posted at Learn-O-Rama.
Rona Burstein presents 19 Educational Open Courseware Classes About Social Work posted at Online MSW Program.
Audrey Christopher presents 19 Educational Open Courseware Classes About Sociology posted at Master of Sociology.
Elizabeth Wright presents Educating Children with Mood Disorders posted at Education Degrees.
For those of you interested in gardening or wildflowers I do a gardening post on Thursdays at Alasandra, The Cats & A Dog entitled Thursday in the Garden.
Thanks for visiting the Carnival of Homeschooling. Homeschool Bytes will be hosting the Carnival next week.
Homeschoolers often research homeschooling, homeschooling methods and learning styles before embarking on their homeschooling journey. Plans are made for the school year, books and supplies are purchased, lessons are taught, school work is assigned and reviewed (graded) and plans revised as needed.
What's in a name? Well a lot of people consider Goldenrod (aka Solidago) to be a weed, I consider it to be a beautiful wildflower, and count myself lucky to have it growing in my yard. The great thing about wildflowers is they require little care on my part. Here is some Goldenrod mixed in with Statice (aka Sea Lavender and Marsh Rosemary). Statice symbolizes remembrance. C h r y s a l i s ღ presents Bible Names and Why They Matter and 3 Miracle Parenting Tools .
Columbine |
Rational Jenn presents Peopleguy Tours posted at Rational Jenn.
Heliotrope |
Cherish presents My beef with public education as well as Dial it in! posted at FCIWYPSC.
Columbine |
Columbines are found in many parts of North America in different colors and shapes. Look for them beside rivers, in the woods, in the rough terrain of the Rocky Mountains and in many home gardens. They are extremely easy to grow and reproduce by scattering their own seeds. Amy @ Hope Is the Word presents Read Aloud Thursday?Snow! posted at Hope Is the Word.
Encore Azalea |
Encore® Azaleas are the only patented brand of azaleas to bloom in spring,summer and fall. I expected them to do well as we live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast but they proved not to be as hardy as the regular Azaleas we have. We planted three and this is the only one that survived. It's beautiful blooms make it a joy to behold throughout the year.
Arby presents Mr. Arby, Meet Your Son posted at The Homeschool Apologist.
Bottlebrush (Callistemon) |
Bottlebrush is native to Australia mostly growing in moist soil in open or woodland sites. Every country has something to offer, Successful Homeschooling describes methods traditional Chinese mothers use to create math whizzes and music prodigies in her post What Homeschoolers Can Learn from Chinese Mothers.
Cactus |
Cristina presents Home Spun comic strip #565 posted at Home Spun Juggling.
Buttercup |
The Buttercup is a terrific plant it reseeds itself every year and blooms all season.
Jessica presents Labels posted at Teachable Moments.
Many of you have snow where you live. We are having colder then average temperatures here in South Mississippi. So far the garden has survived but I will have some major pruning and weeding to do once the weather is warm enough. Sweet Diva offers her thoughts on Homeschooling While Fighting the Desire to Hibernate....
Butterfly with Lantana |
Chris McGinn presents My new homeschooling friend--Google eBooks posted at Mothers of Boys.
And Speaking of books if you are interested in gardening or flowers I recommend these books:
- Wildflowers of Mississippi by Stephen L. Timme
- Complete Guide to Flower Gardening by Better Homes and Gardens
- Alabama & Mississippi Gardener's Guide by By Felder Rushing and Jennifer Greer
- The Complete Container Garden by David Joyce
Angel Trumpet |
I have a purple and white Devil's Trumpet that I grew from seeds. The Angel Trumpets haven't produced seeds so far, but I have managed to root them from cuttings. I have both pink and yellow and hope to purchase a white one this year.
ChristineMM presents A Story About 1:1 Homeschool Teaching posted at The Thinking Mother.
Mexican Petunia |
The Mexican Petunia's die back in the winter, but so far they have returned every year. I have the purple and am considering purchasing some pink this year.
Pamela presents Teasing posted at Blah, Blah, Blog.
Zinnia |
I started the Zinnias from seeds. They were easy to cultivate. I'll probably get some more seeds in a different color this year. I am hoping the pink reseeded themselves.
Cindy presents Gifted Kids and Standardized Testing posted at love2learn2day.
Foxglove |
The foxgloves reseeded themselves last year. I have my fingers crossed they do so again this year.
Katherine presents playing school? posted at No Fighting, No Biting!.
Stokes Aster (not a real Aster) |
My Stokes Aster pretty much thrives all year, if we have a really hard frost it will die back but as soon as the temperatures warm up it will start to come out again. Produces lovely blooms from mid spring into the summer for me.
No snow here in South Mississippi but at Delightful Learning you can read all about Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening.
Foxglove |
Carolina Yellow Jasmine |
This is rather bizarre, my Carolina Yellow Jasmine is blooming in January. We are having really strange weather here, colder then average temperatures, less rain then usual and the plants are behaving oddly.
Bore Me to Tears points out that Scientists know more science.
Buttercup with Moth |
Rebecca Zook presents Need to remember something important? Breaking news! posted at Triangle Suitcase - Rebecca Zook's Blog About Learning.
Does anyone know what this is? I grew it from a bulb. |
Heather Laurie presents Teaching Silence posted at Special Needs Homeschooling.
Foxglove |
Kelly Elmore presents My Worries and Balloon Animals posted at Reepicheep's Coracle.
Marigold |
Annual Marigolds can be used anywhere to deter Mexican bean beetles, squash bugs, tomato hornworms, and whiteflies. They are also known to repel harmful root knot nematodes (soil dwelling microscopic white worms) that attack tomatoes, potatoes, roses, and strawberries. The root of the Marigold produces a chemical that kills nematodes as they enter the soil. If a whole area is infested, at the end of the season, turn the Marigolds under so the roots will decay in the soil. You can safely plant there again the following spring.
Deb @ Not Inadequate tells why she decided to teach Latin to her kids in the post Ut Docui necne ut Docui?
Gardenia |
It’s quite an honor to have a plant named after you. It’s an even bigger honor when that plant sports a flower with the most intoxicating fragrance in the world.
Dr. Alexander Garden, a Scottish physician and naturalist, moved to Charleston in 1752. He corresponded with English merchant John Ellis, who just happened to be a good friend of Carolus Linnaeus, the famous Swedish botanist. Linnaeus had developed the genus-and-species system for scientifically naming and classifying plants.
Dr. Alexander Garden, a Scottish physician and naturalist, moved to Charleston in 1752. He corresponded with English merchant John Ellis, who just happened to be a good friend of Carolus Linnaeus, the famous Swedish botanist. Linnaeus had developed the genus-and-species system for scientifically naming and classifying plants.
In 1758, Ellis visited a garden outside London to inspect an evergreen shrub thought to be a jasmine and blessed with powerfully scented double white flowers. Ellis doubted it was a true jasmine, and Linnaeus agreed. Ellis convinced Linnaeus to name the new find for his pen pal in Charleston, Alexander Garden. Enter the gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides). Fittingly, in 1762, the New World’s first gardenia was planted in Dr. Garden’s garden.
Why Homeschool presents a Great arguement for Unschooling: Ted Talk on Child-driven education.
Cactus |
Majellamom (Lori) presents A Blast from the Past...with Blue posted at Waiting for Charlie....
Gladiolas |
Check out the The Lemonade Geography Tour @ Farm School.
Roses |
Nak presents A Living Book for St. Valentine's Day posted at Sage Parnassus.
Confederate Rose (a type of Hibiscus) |
Once the Confederate Rose was pure white. During the Civil War, a soldier was fatally wounded in battle. He fell upon the rose as he lay dying. During the course of the two days he took to die, he bled more and more on the flower, till at last bloom was covered with his blood. When he died, the flower died with him. Thereafter, the Confederate Rose (or Cotton Rose), opens white, and over the course of the two days the bloom lasts, they turn gradually from white to pink to almost red, when the flower finally falls from the bush.
The Confederate Rose or hibiscus mutablis is actually a Chinese import. Brought into English gardens in the 1600's, it is said to have gained favor in the South due to its ease of cultivation during the hard financial times after the Civil War.
Barbara Frank Online presents Black Home Educators Embrace Their Cultural Heritage. This post seems particular timely as yesterday we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Day (Federal Holiday) as well as Robert E. Lee Day (State Holiday) in South Mississippi. By homeschooling I was able to embrace our Confederate Heritage which is pretty much ignored in the public schools. History buffs might be interested in reading Robert E. Lee's biography online as well as A Taste of Freedom by Tommie Thompson about the forgotten slave soldiers who fought in the Civil War for the South.
Zinnias with Butterfly |
History is Elementary offers a history lesson on the Spanish American War in her post Be a Hero: Sink a U.S. Ship.
Red Rose |
Shannon @ Mom Improvement post on Teaching Writing.
![]() |
Rooster Violet |
This trooper has been blooming all winter, it is actually a type of pansy. It really seems to enjoy the cold weather.
Denise presents Babymath: Story Problem Challenge III posted at Let's Play Math!.
![]() |
Butterfly with Pineapple Sage |
Susan Ryan presents Daytime Curfews Persist in Illinois posted at Corn and Oil.
Zinnia |
Zinnias are another member of the large Aster family of plants and originate in Mexico and the Southwest United States. They come in a form suitable for every garden situation, including single, double, cactus, dahlia, ruffles, and pompon. Colors include every shade except blue, and many are multicolored. Most are prolific bloomers that add beautiful color to the landscape, and many have growth habits that make wonderful additions to container plantings. The uses for Zinnias in the home garden are almost endless. Use them as border plants, fillers for bare spots in perennial gardens, or massed in a garden all their own.
Mama Squirrel presents Once Upon a Company (review) posted at Dewey's Treehouse.
Candlebush |
My neighbor gave me the seeds to this wonderful plant. And I completely agree with this statement by Lady Bird Johnson, "Where flowers bloom, so does hope".
Jimmie presents Book Report Notebooking Page posted at The Notebooking Fairy.
John Laugherton presents Top 50 Social Sites for Educators and Academics posted at Learn-O-Rama.
Rona Burstein presents 19 Educational Open Courseware Classes About Social Work posted at Online MSW Program.
Audrey Christopher presents 19 Educational Open Courseware Classes About Sociology posted at Master of Sociology.
Elizabeth Wright presents Educating Children with Mood Disorders posted at Education Degrees.
Princess Feather |
For those of you interested in gardening or wildflowers I do a gardening post on Thursdays at Alasandra, The Cats & A Dog entitled Thursday in the Garden.
Thanks for visiting the Carnival of Homeschooling. Homeschool Bytes will be hosting the Carnival next week.
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