Sunday, September 11, 2011

Homeschooling Gets An A+

A new study from Concordia University and Mount Allison University has found that homeschooling -- as long as it's structured or follows a curriculum -- can provide kids with an academic edge. 


  1. I agree for the most part! Home educated kids have an opportunity to know way more than the average kid as well!

  2. Thank you for sharing this article. I love it.

  3. Thank you for posting this article.

    As a mom that is new to homeschooling, it has been challenging at times. I am constantly reading homeschooling blogs to soak in some tips from the more experienced :)

    I have a 5th grade daughter that has had problems staying focused so I am trying to help her manage everything. I know she’s just overwhelmed as I am. One thing that has helped recently is that a friend of mine that also homeschools, introduced me to this online task management system that works for me and my daughter. It’s called Productive Balance. It is greatly helping to help keep my daughter on track with not only her school work but other areas as well – chores, activities, etc. I work with my daughter each week to set up her “Session” for that week and she checks off the tasks when she completes them. The best thing is that I, as her sponsor receives an email notifying me when she’s done. It’s been great!!! She enjoys seeing her progress and I get a more organized child that I can award at the end of each week based on what she completes. Awesome, Awesome online tool!!! If anyone is having the same struggles as me, I highly recommend – and it is free! The website is Best luck to all the awesome homeschooling moms and their kiddos!


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