Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Moron Writes About Homeschooling

Is it to much to ask that these morons that feel compelled to write about homeschooling actually do some research first.

According to the moron "One of the greatest challenges of home schooling is the social factor." What total BS. I know this is apparently hard for public school advocates to believe but there is LIFE outside the walls of a public school building. There is a whole world full of people for you and your children to socialize with A world where you aren't restricted to socializing with someone just because they happen to live in your school district and be the same approximate age as you.

The moron adds that homeschoolers need " the ability to keep the children as busy as they would be if they were in a regular school." More BS, the goal isn't to keep your children busy. Busy work is something most public schools excel at. The goal should be to educate your child. I want my children to be learning something, not just doing something to be "busy".

The moron also believes "Most parents attempt home schooling as a temporary step, but find that, once  the children are home schooled, they do so well that it “doesn’t make sense” to send them back." What utter nonsense. I know very few people who attempt home schooling as a temporary step. Yes, there are some parents who view homeschooling as a temporary solution but they are in the minority. And finding out that homeschooling works so well for your family that you wish to continue with it hardly seems like a problem.

He then goes into a long rant about medicating your children and blah, blah, blah. Apparently the guy works with some very troubled people. I just hope they aren't depending on him for advice.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Blog Discovery

I discovered Boarding in Bedlam written by a homeschool Dad.  I particularly enjoyed these three post.

  1.  The Carnival of Anti-homeschooling
  2. The Carnival of Anti-Homeschooling Part II: One Dad’s Cheeky Response to a Warning about Homeschooling
  3. Educating Our Children: A Question for All Parents

The Thinking Mother: Teaching Our Kids About Politics and Government

With all the anti-homeschoolers ranting about how homeschooling should be regulated because of that stupid GMA show on "Unschooling" it is very important that homeschoolers pay attention to politics especially at the local level. All American citizens need to know how the government works, Christinemm has some tips for teaching your kids about politics and government in her post The Thinking Mother: Teaching Our Kids About Politics and Government