Home School Laws
Ramblings, Rants and Remedies for a New Perspective on the SB 2514
Mississippi Bills (SB 2514 and HB 310)
SB 2514: "The State Board of Education may establish student testing proficiency standards for promotion to grade levels for students in home instruction programs which are equivalent to requirements applicable to public school students."History: Introduced by
Sen. Sampson Jackson and sent to Senate Education Committee on 1/12/06Status:
In committeeHB 310: Seeks "To clarify that any child who attains the age of 17 during the school year shall be required to attend school for the remainder of the school term, and to delete the provision allowing a parent or guardian to disenroll a child from kindergarten;" Note: Currently, compulsory attendance begins at six years old.History: Introduced by
Rep. Cecil Brown, Chair of the House Education Committee, on 1/06/06 and referred to House Education CommitteeStatus:
In committee