Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Peter Anderson Festival was Wonderful.
First we had a lovely breakfast at Bayview Gourmet, then Jonathan and I went to the festival.
There was lots of stuff to see. Some of my favorites were windchimes made out of agates.
I also like the art work of Frankie Buckley. I found her paintings "Five on the Prowl" and "Get Off my Tail" to be whimsical and cute.
My friend Cissy's "Eye Candy" was fabulous, I would have been happy to wear any of the jewelry she had for sell.
There were several pieces of pottery that caught my eye, and what sounded like a South American Rainforst was coming from one booth. Wooden animals that made music when you stroked their back with a stick.
I found some turquoise earrings to match a necklace I have had for ages at one booth. I also discovered a new rock Larimar too bad my rock hound Sean wasn't with me. And there were some lovely hand carved wooden bowls. The weather was lovely, sunny and warm. I can't wait to go back next year.