Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why Carole Moore Choose Not to Homeschool

Why Carole Moore Choose Not to Homeschool

I remember one teenager in particular. After years of alternately being homeschooled and attending a very strict, small, church-based school, she moved to a public school — where she spiraled out of control. She drank. She took drugs. And she had sex. Her parents were appalled; that was not how they'd raised their daughter.

Some would blame the influence of the public school system. They'd say she made friends with bad kids. And they'd be right. But that wasn't the only reason she got into so much trouble. In my opinion, her problem went much deeper: she didn't know how to handle the sudden combination of freedom and exposure to a side of life she'd never personally confronted. Her parents had talked about these things. She'd heard about them in church. But talk alone isn't a substitute for reality, and the forbidden often looms sweet and tantalizing by virtue of its mystery.

Why I choose to homeschool.

I don't think you have to expose your child to "bad influences" in order for them to be law abiding teens and responsible adults. Part of good parenting is teaching your child to make good choices and allowing them to make choices appropriate for their age and reap the consequences of those choices.

Also the majority of homeschoolers are not nearly as sheltered as the author of this piece makes out. Many of us register our children to play on recreational sports leagues where they interact with public school students many of whom are from broken homes, do drugs, cuss and wear inappropriate clothing as well as behave in a sexually provocative manner. And hey not all homeschoolers are innocent little angels. Some parents choose to homeschool after their children have gotten in trouble, sometimes very serious trouble, in the public schools

Homeschooled children also hang out with the kids in their neighborhoods and very few of us have perfect neighbors.

I have always been baffled by those individuals who insist "homeschoolers don't live in the real world"; exactly what world do we live in? We live in the same communities as everyone else. We are involved in our neighborhoods and our children have the same temptations as other children do. And with the internet more then ever before we and our children can explore the wider world outside our neighborhoods.


  1. I suppose the fact that we have chosen not to send our children to a place where they may be stressed, bored or bullied could be construed as 'not living in the real world'! But who wants that kind of a world anyway?
    This was a great post - great points.

  2. I agree: Great points!

    In the end, it's not a question of sheltering verses exposing, but rather a state of the heart. The real questions are ones like: Has this child developed into someone who wants to do good and bless others, or is he/she selfish/insecure? What are their priorities? And how strong are the ties that connect the child to their family?


  3. When I was a high school student, I didn't know anyone who had a baby (though it's certainly possible some might've quietly had an abortion) or who was killed/injured as a result of a DUI. But I nevertheless abstained from sex and alcohol. I don't think teens need to be exposed to social problems as "scare tactics".

  4. I think it's incredibly sad that people view pregnant teenagers, and teenagers doing drugs and drinking as "normal".

  5. I noticed on Facebook that there was a group of former homeschool students against homeschooling. I also noticed these were all young adults. I wonder how many will still hate homeschooling when they have some experience and years under their belts?

    God bless
    Heather L

  6. I think it probably depends on IF they had choices. My sons always knew they could go back to public school if they wanted too. They never did.

    I do know one of my sons homceschooled friends wanted to go to public school. He thought it would be like Beverly Hills 90210. Didn't that TV show make public High school look like fun? the kids were always partying and hooking up in the halls. Once he talked to some students who attended public schools and learned about all the rules he decided he would rather continue homeschooling.

    I also know public school students who really wanted their parents to homeschool them and were angry their parents wouldn't/couldn't.

  7. The last two paragraphs of that article were disturbing.

    "I'd much prefer to bring them up in an atmosphere of innocence and trust."..."Homeschooling would have built a wall around my kids and kept them safe..."

    AMEN! That is one reason Christians choose to homeschool

    So true about the "real world" (IE evil) it is everywhere - in the billboards, magazines, immodest dress - there's no escape!

    And where in the Bible does it say that we should expose our children to evil?


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