Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Political Asylum for Homeschooling?

Ronda Kaysen  @ Momlogic doesn't think being forced to send your child to a government school amounts to persecution Political Asylum for Homeschooling?

Her post of course brought out the anti-homeschool BIGOTS in full force one commenter had this to say.

Why would any parent confine their children’s knowledge only to that which the parent knows, robbing those children of the diverse and expansive knowledge of professional educators? Furthermore, why should any society be forced to harbor such? Homeschooled children are denied the opportunity to learn incredibly valuable lessons about navigating social groups, working alongside those different from themselves, and being both a contributor to and participant in a larger community. To those who would argue that it’s a parent’s right to confine their children’s experience to that which the parents deign appropriate, I say that is neglect, abuse, and excessive control of precisely the wrong things. All the world needs is more religious wingnuts with zero knowledge of history, psychology, sociology, science. (eyeroll)
- Libby


  1. Sometimes I can hardly believe the ignorance of people. Parents don't know everything, neither do teachers. That is why we have curriculum, and other resources! When did it become the right thing for parents to send their children to institutions designed for the industrial revolution. My personal opinion is people who are unwilling to educate their children beyond that of public school are guilty of educational neglect. I know people who don't homeschool but make sure to add eduction to home life. If you must use the public school for whatever reason you need to at least suppliment it with real education.

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