Fenris was adopted from the Bay St. Louis/ Waveland Animal Shelter. He is a well loved Mutt. The best guess is he is an Great Pyrenees & Australian Shepherd Mix. Fenris' name comes from Norse Mythology.
The Fenris Wolf (aka Fenrir) is a creature of the Asgardian dimension who is said to be an offspring of Loki and the giant Angrboda. It is a huge wolf (usual height 15 feet tall) with human-like intelligence, vast strength and the capacity to change its shape to that of a god or to change its size to that of a real wolf.
Just like there is a lot of diversity in the dog world there is a lot of diversity among homeschoolers.
Homeschool Diversity
A Tea Party Question is featured at Why Homeschool. How many homeschoolers are involved in the tea party movement and are homeschoolers more likely to support the tea party idea? I am interested in seeing what conclusions are drawn from the polls.
This is Jen's first time to participate in a blog carnival she brings Politically Correct Homeschoolers @ Joy Ever After to us.
Charybdis & her litter mate Scylla were rescued by the Mississippi Alliance for Spay and Neuter, after their Mother (a feral cat) was poisoned. We adopted them when they were four weeks old and bottle fed them. Sadly loss is a part of life. Our sweet Charybdis left us too soon.
How Homeschoolers cope with change
Sometimes homeschoolers feel overwhelmed to the point of quiting Katherine explores this topic at No Fighting, No Biting! (I love the title of her blog) in her post school tour.
Something we hardly see in the Deep South is snow, although at the moment we are dealing with colder then usual temperatures. My pond actually froze so I found Shannon Dodd's Snow Day! posted at Mommyapolis very timely.
Scylla and her sister Charybdis were named after monsters in Greek Mythology. Homer mentions them in the Odyssey.

Scylla & Socks took part in the Pet Postcard Project. Every pet postcard you send in earns 1 pound of food for shelter dogs. Homeschoolers also take part in many service projects.
How Homeschoolers Define Success
Cheryl Henderson-Khalid presents Success on Paper or Success in Life ? Which Would You Choose? posted at Homeschooling for 3.
ChristineMM presents Thoughts on Teaching Fractions and Student Work Ethic posted at The Thinking Mother.

Artemisia is the name of a plant and suits this lovely petite girl to perfection. Artemisia(pronounced /ˌɑrtɨˈmiːziə/) is a large, diverse genus of plants with between 200 to 400 species belonging to the daisy family Asteraceae. The beliefs surrounding this genus are founded upon the strong association between the herbs of the genus Artemisia and the moon goddess Artemis, who is believed to hold these powers. In Israel Artemisia is sometimes referred to by the name "Shiva", the Queen of Sheba. It is also said that the genus Artemisia (which includes over 400 plants) may be named after an ancient botanist. Artemisia was the wife and sister of the Greek/Persian King Mausolus from the name of whose tomb we get the word mausoleum. Artemisia, who ruled for three years after the king's death, was a botanist and medical researcher, and died in 350 B.C.
In Greek Mythology Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo. She is a goddess of transitions, a hunter, a virgin, and one of the goddesses who assists at childbirth. She was on the Trojan side in Homer's Iliad.
Artemis knows first hand that being the new kid on the block isn't easy.
Homeschooling Resources
This week at home ( a homeschool diary) chronicles a week in the life of a homeschooling family posted at Home is Where You Start From.
Cristina presents What Moth is This? posted at Home Spun Juggling.
Sebastian at Percival Blakeney Academy post Homeschool Mini Conference telling how even a small group of homeschoolers can put on a curriculum fair that is helpful to current and prospective homeschoolers alike.
Margy Hesser presents How To Write a Lab Report and Keep a Lab Book posted at Homeschool High School.
Apples and Jammies (what a cute name for a blog) brings us Educating Myself about some homeschooling books Beth has been reading.
Foreign Language Instruction in Our Home posted @ Petticoat Government.
Large Family Workbox System for Homeschool posted @ Peace Creek on the Prairie
Craft Stew presents Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions posted at Craft Stew.
Sarah presents SmallWorld's WordSmithery: Form Poetry posted at SmallWorld.
The Home Education Blog gives advice on planning homeschool lessons.
Rachel Lynette presents 10 Fun and Creative Thank You Note Ideas posted at Minds in Bloom.
Misty presents Free Online Homeschool Videos: Math, Science, and More! posted at Homeschool Bytes.
Amanda at All American Family is a first time submitter and she has Great Homeschooling Resources for your perusal.
Work and Play, Day by Day offers Reasons for Homeschooling- Part 1 .
Designated Conservative reports on Killing Homeschooling in Michigan – The Other Shoe to Drop in 2010?
A Call to Homeschool posted at True Femininity has compelling biblical and logical reasons to homeschool your children.
This ~n~That
Anne Simone presents 50 Best Cookbooks for the College Kid in Your Life posted at Online Schools.
Rosetta Stone, FuseFly, and Heart of the Matter Online are sponsoring their first Homeschool Language Learning and Networking Trip for homeschoolers and their families to travel to France and Spain this summer. Organized by ACIS, the premier educational travel company, the trip includes visits to famous European sites and kicks off on August 2, 2010 in Paris, France and concludes in Madrid, Spain on August 11, 2010. Homeschool families as well as homeschoolers over the age of 16 are encouraged to register now to receive preferred pricing. Visit the Homeschool Language Learning & Networking Trip site to view additional trip details or register. Hurry! The deadline to register is February 15, 2010.
Honeypurple presents 100 Best Job Sites for B-School Students posted at Online Colleges.org.
Dolfin presents Our Store posted at Lionden Landing.
Laura Kluge presents Top 20 Blogs to Help Working Mom’s posted at Court Reporter School.
This wraps up The Dog & Cat Edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling. Thank you for participating. The next Carnival of Homeschooling will be hosted by Home School Dad. To find out how to submit a post click here.
Very impressive - don't know how you find time to do all you do.
ReplyDeleteHello Artemis, what a glorious name to match a beautiful cat !
ReplyDeleteWhat a brilliant blog, I agree with the OP pack, where do you find the time.. Just brilliant.. HUgs GJ x
ReplyDeleteHi Alasandra,
ReplyDeleteWanted to send a post, but didn't have one to pass along.
Looks wonderful. Thanks for doing the Carnival!
An attack on homeschooling?
Great job, Alasandra! So many entries! Can't wait to actually get to read some.
ReplyDeleteGreat carnival. Can't wait to read all of them. Found a few new blogs to follow. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhat a brilliant blog, I agree with the OP pack, where do you find the time.. Just brilliant.. HUgs GJ x
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHi. I just wanted to give you the updated URL for my article - http://www.homeschoolingfor3.com/life/success-on-paper-or-success-in-life-which-would-you-choose. Thanks!